Waiting List No timescale can be given as to how long it will take for the child to been rolled into the school and places are allocated on a first come first serve basis. Once a place is offered and the parent thereafter requests a different time to what was specified, the place will be offered to the next applicant.
Application Form When parents complete the application form, they should indicate if the student has any medical conditions, allergies or takes any regular medication. The madrassa should be kept informed of any changes after the student has been enrolled such as phone numbers and address.
Arrival The parent/guardian agrees to ensure the child comes to school on time and they arrive 5-10minutes before class starts. The school reserves the right to remove a student from the register for continuous tardiness.
Attendance Attending the school regularly and on time is the responsibility of both the parent and student. The school expects students to attend all classes. Parents must inform the school as early as possible if a student is unable to attend.
Holidays Madrassa will give holidays during all the Major Islamic Events throughout the year. There will also be some holidays offered during the breaks in the academic school year also, to allow parents to spend time with children and go away on holiday.
The Madrassa may choose to close due to unexpected circumstances such as severe weather conditions. In such situations parents will be notified by email.
Behaviour Madrassa gives high value to behaviour of our children and under no circumstances will we accept any sort of unacceptable conduct which may cause inconvenience to our staff, teachers or other students. Strict disciplinary actions will be taken against such students and may even lead to withdrawal of students from the school.
Privacy Policy
The information you provide us will be held Khizra Mosque Supplementary School Madrassa in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your information is being collected with your consent in order to provide you or your children with pupil learning Khizra Mosque Supplementary School Madrassa will not share your information with any other organisation for marketing or any other purposes. Information about you or your or child will beheld for up to 1 year after your child’s 16th birthday or from the time they leave the Madrasa. You may withdraw your consent for the processing of your information at any time by contacting the Head of Education. You also have aright to complain, object to or access the information that is held and processed about you or your child.Please contact our office to discuss any of the above requests.